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  • Madrid  +34 91 659 22 07


ico-questionStarting Our company
we ask ourselves...


  • Does cash recycling and cash deposit technology MUST be so complicated and so expensive as before?
  • Could we find a way to bring this nice technology not only to financial industry of developed countries, but also to developing markets? It seams we have found the right answer to these questions!



The answer is in our mission


Cashphenix is a company established to bring to the world market a simple, robust and affordable technology for cash managing and coin recycling.

40 years of experience in the technical area and businesses have pushed us to cover this huge market space. We have grown and built our experience in the Spanish market, the most competitive and advanced recycling market in deposit and cash technology.

We have combined our devices, recent advances in electronics and materials with our knowledge of cash management processes.

The result is a complete range of simplicity in manufacturing and really affordable products simple to use and easy technical support. Our technology is based on over 20 patents in 42 countries.

We are bringing to the market a cash recycling and deposit device affordable by retailers, CIT companies, banks and independent financial services providers. We are bringing to market a technology that can be easily used by end users and manufactured by companies that are in search of own manufacture.

The banks love our support team to the cashier due to its easy handling. No more than an hour of learning is necessary to teach the branch staff to solve the typical problems of these devices. Retailers and CIT companies, love our deposit machines, combining the simplicity of depositing rapidly in the safe, with a high acceptance rate that can only be found in high-level teams (9 notes / sec. In acceptance).

People at the service area love our devices due to a very simple method of diagnosis and simplicity of electromechanical elements..

Because we work with all communication protocols and openness to third-party applications, we provide the maximum work integrators in the process of adopting our equipment.

Moreover, not only offering final solutions as TAU's, ATM, coin store "towers" of payment and recycling ATMs, we also are offering OEM modules, ODM service and even technology transfer for certified manufacturers.


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